Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 8, 2022

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Had It Beat It Prostate Survivor Shirt . Flores said he’s been hearing from dozens of farmworkers seeking assistance in signing up for slots. “They want to receive the vaccine,” he said. Some organizations in California and beyond have launched bilingual public health campaigns to inform farmworkers about the safety and availability of the vaccine, an attempt to overcome vaccine hesitancy common in these communities. They have also set up phone lines for farmworkers to call and set up an appointment because in many cases workers lack internet access required to nab a time slot.Misinformation about the safety of vaccines is another issue.“We know that people are getting bad info online, but that’s part of why we’re here and what we can help with,” Gonzalo said. “When it comes down to it, especially now, we have found there are a lot of people in our community who want a vaccine.”Yet time is running short. In states across the south, harvest season will pick up soon, meaning that more workers will be working together in conditions conducive to spreading the virus, like tight quarters in fruit and vegetable packing houses.

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Meanwhile, 33 percent view him favorably while 51 percent do not Had It Beat It Prostate Survivor Shirt . That’s “his lowest favorability number since Quinnipiac University began tracking his favorability in 2008 while Cuomo served as New York Attorney General,” according to a release from the pollsters.Some of the broader numbers on Cuomo, however, were more challenging. A total of 39 percent of respondents approved of the job he’s doing, while 48 percent do not. That’s the lowest job approval for Cuomo in a Quinnipiac poll since taking office in 2011.The poll released on Thursday was conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. It was slightly worse for Cuomo compared with a Quinnipiac poll conducted two weeks ago, which found 40 wanted him gone while 55 percent wanted him to stay. (A Siena poll conducted in between the two found the margin to be 35-50).
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