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José biden no bueno shirt . After a year of digital, phygital, and traditional runways, Oliver’s multimedia project is the I will do this new idea fashion needs—even if many may struggle to understand the breadth and ingenuity of his work. (And more are probably annoyed about the hour-and-a-half delay.) But if the past is any indication, in two years, everyone will be trying to do what he’s doing. That has always been the case with Hood by Air, though Oliver doesn’t seem irked by the ways bigger, larger, conglomerate-backed fashion houses crib some of his ideas. But he is definitely aware of his alt standing in fashion. He is the most insider of outsiders, obsessed over by the most influential art directors, retailers, editors, stylists, and shoppers, but is rarely granted the same status and unquestioned praise as those who play by the fashion rules. Part of that has to do with fashion’s ongoing exclusion of Black creators; here Oliver says that people who aren’t Black “think that we’re constantly copying white culture when we’re actually, like, the ones who are experiencing America and ways of dressing more than other people.
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