Behind Duffy, Britain’s Georgia Taylor-Brown Vintage Thank You Veterans Combat Boots Flower Veterans Day T-Shirt . was also celebrating having accomplished the mother of all retrieval missions. Having sustained a stress response in her femur in May, which meant she was unable to run for six weeks, she then faced a puncture towards the end of the bike leg which meant she had started the run in fifth place, 22sec back.“I got a puncture coming out of the park with about 2km left and I panicked – I didn’t know what to do so I just rode on the flat,” she said. “I lost maybe 15 seconds on the group. The first lap of the run I was in panic mode. I think I definitely paid for it on the latter part of the run but it paid off.”
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Classic Women’sLong SleevedUnisex SweatshirtUnisex HoodieClassic Men’sTaylor-Brown, the best of the British triathletes ahead of Jessica Learmonth in ninth and Vicky Holland in 13th, revealed she had spent two weeks on crutches and been forced to undergo a fitness test before flying to Tokyo because of her injury Vintage Thank You Veterans Combat Boots Flower Veterans Day T-Shirt .“I kept it all a bit private what was going on,” she said. “I got a stress response in my femur 12 weeks ago so that was a bit of a shock. My training had gone so well before then, though, so I knew I had all that in the bag. You don’t want to show your competitors your weaknesses, and so I did just say I was ill.“A week before we flew out I also had prove that I was fit to compete, which was probably more stressful because it could have all been taken away from me. I had to do a 30-minute bike on my own at 260 watts, and then I had to do a 2.5km run at 3:10 pace, which is all race pace really. You Can See More Product:
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