Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 11, 2021

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Though Donald Trump Stay out of school bus my bubble shirt . may figuratively be a “hands-off” father, his hand positions when with son Barron Trump in public reportedly demonstrate a great deal of fatherly pride. If you look back at photos of them together, when Barron was a child, Donald would frequently pose with both hands on his son’s shoulders.”[Donald] tends to stand him directly in front of himself, clutching both his shoulders in a gesture of pride and endorsement,” body language expert Judi James told Express. In another interview with Express, James compared Donald Trump’s body language with his son to Mufasa from The Lion King, presenting the boy to the media as if her were holding a baby cub over the sprawling savanna.

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As the child got older, his father allowed him his own body language, taking off what James called the “stabilizer” hands and allowing Barron “body language independence Stay out of school bus my bubble shirt .” He is now regularly seen walking beside his parents, with no physical contact at all.Not that the president of the United States is gonna step out for milk and come back three days later, but apparently Donald Trump lets his children know he’s safe and on his way home. During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2020, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said he noticed the president calling his son multiple times to check in, letting him know when his helicopter would be coming home. “The president’s just a really caring father and you don’t see that,” he said, as reported by U.S. News.
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