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I found that women Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Baltimore Ravens T-shirt . are still treated as property—for example, he made a medical settlement with the it is in the first place but insurance company for the wreck and forged my name on the agreement and check. The insurance company said as my husband he had a right to my medical settlement so that wasn’t a big deal. My doctor recommended I wait until the baby was born and healthy before settling; he was happy to take $500 for both of us. He explained and showed to me what was going on, and after careful consideration, he worked out a treatment plan. And I have to say I’m on the road to recovery. He’s continuously checking in on me and changing the things that are causing me more discomfort. The next morning my mom ran my credit report and found over 100k in debt in my name. All of our bills were months behind and my house was weeks from going into foreclosure. The only bill up-to-date was my home insurance (not suspicious at all, right?). I was confused because I had bank statements, etc that showed we were all good. I had a decent job, there was no reason for this. Turns out they were all forgeries. When I asked him how he did it, he smiled and said “well I’m not stupid”. Well, I wasn’t either. Called his parents and told them to pick his ass up. Filed for an emergency order of protection and divorce. Let me tell you, nothing says rock bottom like showing up for the delivery of your child with a copy of a restraining order to hand over to hospital security. My mom also printed for me the definition of a sociopath. It took a few days before I could even stomach reading it. Yes, I definitely married a sociopath. He quit paying his attorney and so he quit defending him and finally concurred that maybe he was a shady person. For years I still got calls for debt collectors looking for him. Once for never returning a rental car and dropping off the face of the earth. I’m sure he told his new girlfriend he bought a new car. I’m also positive it’s because whatever he owned was repossessed. I told them to just arrest him. He used me as a reference for years on loans. Without fail, they’d call me when he stopped paying and answering phone calls. I always told them to arrest him. I’m sure no one ever did.
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