“Prison Break” actor Wentworth Miller has revealed that he’s autistic Leia Organa My Favorite Disney Princess Shirt . something he discovered exactly one year ago while self-isolating during the coronavirus pandemic.The developmental disorder is something he calls an “unexpected gift.”In a lengthy Instagram announcement on July 27, the actor said he first received an “informal autism diagnosis” last summer. He later had a self diagnosis and then a formal diagnosis. The process, he said, is “long” and “flawed” and needs updating, particularly in regard to diagnosing adults and not children.”And (it’s a “both/and”) I recognize access to a diagnosis is a privilege many do not enjoy,” he wrote. “Let’s just say it was a shock. But not a surprise.”
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Classic Women’sLong SleevedUnisex SweatshirtUnisex HoodieClassic Men’sNow knowing who he truly is, Wentworth said he will not speak out of turn in regard to autism, admitting that he doesn’t “know enough” about it Leia Organa My Favorite Disney Princess Shirt . “I don’t want to run the risk of suddenly being a loud, ill-informed voice in the room. The #autistic community (this I do know) has historically been talked over. Spoken for. I don’t wish to do additional harm. Only to raise my hand, say, ‘I am here. Have been (w/o realizing it),'” he said.The 49-year-old said he’s been learning about autism in a variety of ways, including social media. Although the Golden Globe nominee has only been officially diagnosed for a year, Wentworth believes that autism played a part in his career (for the better).”This isn’t something I’d change. No. I get – got – immediately being autistic is central to who I am. To everything I’ve achieved/articulated,” he wrote. “Oh – I also want to say to the many (many) people who consciously or unconsciously gave me that extra bit of grace + space over the years, allowed me to move thru the world in a way that made sense to me whether or not it made sense to them… thank you. You Can See More Product:https://heavenshirt.com/product-category/trending-t-shirt/
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