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If you plot the Peanuts Characters New York Giants Football team t-shirt . In addition,I will do this shootings on a map, it’s basically showing a normal day in democrat cesspools where the politicians know their supporters are basically know-nothing lemmings without any original thought. That is why firearm violence has become more and more centered in democrat controlled areas over the last 40+ years where the percentage nationwide has gone from 65% to over 85% occurring in heavily urbanized, democrat controlled areas. Issues that democrats are going to continue to deflect is the issue that police shootings mainly happen in democrat controlled areas, under democrat controlled policies, by agencies run by democrat appointees. So basically the blame falls on the democrats in charge. Same thing with crime… Most violent crimes and many property crimes are becoming more centered in democrat controlled areas as well. Why? Maybe because the issue that low crime solving rates, judicial reform, and drug legalization is also centered in those areas giving the “welcome wagon” appearance of come to our cities, commit crimes and you have a good chance of not getting caught, if you do we’ll work to get you out faster, and we can’t check to make sure you bought your drugs at a legal location so your local drug dealer selling at cheaper prices then the legal dispensary is safe from us.
Peanuts Characters New York Giants Football team t-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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