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My baby is sleeping in her portable Official it’s just seasonal allergies shirt .bed next to me in the but in fact I love this living room, while I am on the computer playing some video games. She starts making some noises as if she is about to cry but not just there yet. I walk up beside her bed and try to see what the fuss is about. I stand there just silently watching her, in case this is a minor discomfort and she will go back to sleep. She keeps at it for around a minute, clearly not comfortable about some stuff. Then, face all wrinkled up and ready to cry, she opens her eyes and sees me. After she sees me, her face lights up in the most beautiful smile ever, clearly as happy to see me as I am to see her. Now, before this, she smiled at me of course, but there is this time when they are so small, you are in this grey area where you can never be sure if the smile is actually for you or she is just smiling for the sake of it or she is just exercising her smile game or whatever. But this time, I am positive that smile is for me and only me. My 2,5 months old baby is happy to see me that day, and in her own little way, she is letting me know, right in the middle of a problem that was causing enough discomfort to wake her up she didn’t often wake up at nights, she still doesn’t at 3,5 years old now. You can not imagine how happy that beautiful smile made me that night.
Official it’s just seasonal allergies shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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