Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 9, 2021

I don’t co-parent with the government American flag shirt

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Though the details of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s I don’t co-parent with the government American flag shirt . marital arrangements are one of Hollywood’s great speculations, we’re going to guess the list of permissible activities does not include kissing Ukrainian TV reporters on the red carpet. Or perhaps it does, but Smith just wasn’t down for some condoned dalliance with prankster Vitalii Sediuk, who asked the Men in Black 3 star for a hug at the film’s Moscow premiere.Recalling the moment on a Late Show interview shortly afterwards, Smith told David Letterman (via Daily Mail), “He says, ‘I’m your biggest fan, can I have a hug?’ So I go to give this joker a hug, and he tries to lean in and kiss me!” Smith pulled away, asking Sediuk what his problem was before giving him a little backhanded slap.Sediuk, as it turns out, was not actually a reporter but rather a video prankster who, among other things, once gave Madonna a bouquet of hydrangeas, which she hates. He apologized for the Smith incident in a video for Hip Hollywood (via Daily Mail), saying, “I apologize for my behavior… I think it was too much.” He added, “I just wanted to do something extraordinary to impress him.”

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Dads embarrassing you in public is usually limited to wearing socks that go past the knees or a shirt he owned 50 pounds ago I don’t co-parent with the government American flag shirt . But this is not the case if you’re Jaden Smith, whose father, Will Smith, thought giving him a mouth kiss on live TV was a perfectly dad-like thing to do. The Smiths went on Thailand’s The Woody Show to promote their new movie After Earth in 2013. There the elder Smith grabbed his son by the face and planted one right on his lips.It may not have been the usual form of paternal affection some of us are used to, but apparently it isn’t at all unusual at the Smith house. “That happens all the time,” Jaden said later in an interview with Hip Hollywood. “After the set, he’ll try and kiss me. Or anywhere else.”
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