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It really doesn’t matter if the Grateful Dead happy Halloween shirt . What’s more,I will buy this actions taken and denied were the act of a “Christian” president because they were not the acts of a professional, competent, law and regulation-abiding, honest, organized, humane administration. Our government has been established on a principle of separation of church and state although our elections over the decades and centuries might not have been. What is important about this article is that it is focused upon the failures of the t***p administration during that time. It discloses the refusal to cooperate with the established procedures and reveals just how much #45’s administration was the mark of a very small businessman who just happened to have received considerable sums from his father.. Moreover, this article demonstrates the disrespect the ex-pres had for accountability and even a modicum of transparency. It shows just how unfit he was to hold his office. And of course it raises questions about the fitness of some of his nominees and appointees. I would prefer an ethical president, free from religious constraints and labels.
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Trump never really had to cross the What’s more,I will buy this line with me Grateful Dead happy Halloween shirt . As a native New Yorker I already knew he was full of crap. I already knew about the Civil Rights violations, the Atlantic City bankruptcies, the cheating of contractors and spouses. Any New Yorker of my generation knew that Trump would be a disaster as President. We assumed that the rest of the country would eventually catch up. It didn’t seem to matter that Trump was caught in a lie when he questioned the birthplace of President Obama. If anything that established him as a serious candidate with the Republican base. What I thought would do him in was the John McCain “I prefer soldiers who weren’t captured” quote. The very idea that the party that supposedly “loves the troops” would nominate a draft dodger who demeaned the service of a POW and war hero was unfathomable to me. Yet, there we were. A lot of you out there sided with the chicken livered coward over the military hero. You know who you are and you know what you did. It all led up to January 6th.
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