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That’s a horrible idea what time shirt . Mourns about the I love this REAL heroes who die fighting for our country. Bryant maybe was a good athlete, but he was no hero. And what about all the others who died that day. No one except maybe their families is crying about them. Enough is enough. I hate to see anyone die, but this is crazy. The news outlets have been treating this like Kobe was Jesus who died on the cross to forgive humanity’s sins. I’m sorry your hero died, but can we be done with this any time soon? Tragedy strikes every day with the deaths of better people than this guy and you never hear about them. Give it a rest.What has everybody forgotten he was not the I love this saint that people are putting him out to be how disgusting about you honor our first responders are military our police are firefighters there’s a true hero, not some stupid athlete? The man would likely be doing time if he hadn’t bought his way out of the rape charge. I don’t care how long ago it was. And having charities and foundations at that level is a requirement. Those will never negate what he did. Let the league he worked hard for 20 years honor him in whichever way they see fit. Does it affect you? Does it keep you from working and earning a living or providing for yourself or your family? Does it keep you from watching television on other networks? Does it keep you from normal day to day activities? Does it keep you from anything outside of professional basketball?
That’s a horrible idea what time shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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