As a massive Star Wars fan Surely Not Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting T-Shirt . I loved this movie. Star Wars, at its core, has always been about hope. The original trilogy revolved around The Last Jedi took that message of hope a step further. In the original trilogy there were many moments of hope always working out for people and spectacular wins, like the one-in-a-million shot that blew up the Death Star. The Last Jedi is here to argue that you don’t need everything to work out constantly to have hope. Every single person and mission could fail, yet hope will persist.The film also works to give us mountains of rich character development, especially in terms of Rey, Luke, and Poe. So while many are arguing that The Last Jedi does not progress the plot. I would argue that it is focused more on progressing the message of hope as well as the characters and universe. It also features beautiful personal favorite lightsaber duel.So I held off doing a review on I thought everything was shot beautifully and the movie had some fun scenes but there was a lot that bothered me. The more I thought about it, the less I liked it. To the point that I now think it might be the worst one ever made and I’m now very worried about the future of this franchise. I think Solo is going to flop hard and I don’t know anyone who is excited for ep.9.
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Classic Women’sLong SleevedUnisex SweatshirtUnisex HoodieClassic Men’sSo basically I’m gonna make this quick Surely Not Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting T-Shirt . I thought the movie was overall great, although I was spoiled about Luke dying before I watched it. Anyways I thought the movie was great, I didn’t absolutely love it but by all means I didn’t hate it, Of course I hated the whole Canto Bight Scenes with Rose and Finn and I think all the new characters were just thrown in and not too great. All that rounded together with bad pacing and editing, but on the other side it had some of the best scenes in the saga, Any scene with Luke in it was a treasure, the fights of course were amazing. Besides the things I said before this was great.The look on his face at the end of TFA implies that he was ready to drop to his knees, while remembering everything from his past. There’s a legacy, a history and a family attached to that one object. It almost feels as if Lucasfilm launched all of that off the cliff too. I mean the entire message of the film is completely undermined his character.He would never have stayed on the island after hearing about Han’s death. He would’ve felt guilty for abandoning his frends to Kylo’s wrath and returned to the galaxy to face him. When he lost to Vader on Bespin, found out Obi-Wan had lied to him and lost Solo to Jabba. He didn’t give up on anyone or anything. It caused him to grow and become a far more capable Jedi. The whole pioint of Luke’s character is that his actions are determined by his sense of responsibility to those he cares for. Taking that away stops him from being a Skywalker. Anakin was the same, he acted out of responsibility to either his My favourite scene was the one with Luke and R2, as it actually felt like Luke was himself again.Star Wars The Last Jedi. My review. Will not contain spoilers. In short, I fucking loved it. It’s a fresh installment to the Star Wars Saga. It has all the similar things ypu will find in a Star Wars film, but adds many new elements to. It’s funny. Full of some of the best action. One of the greatest moments in any Star Wars film. You’ll know it when you see it. A great story. You Can See More Product:
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