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I don’t want to Your Worth Is Not Measured By The Sizes Of Your Waist T-Shirt . second-guess your vet, but I understand your concern. Long-term antibiotic use comes with consequences. That said, however, I’d ask why your vet just doesn’t do the I will do this permanent solution of cleaning your cat’s teeth, extracting those that can’t be saved, and perhaps doing some gum cauterization. These are things my vets have typically done over the years for cats that are prone to gum abscesses and resorptions. I’ve even had cats that needed all their teeth extracted to solve the problem. They do just fine afterward. However, there are health conditions that might make your cat a poor candidate for the general anesthesia these more aggressive procedures would require. Among those are advanced age, advanced renal disease, and heart conditions. Cats with those conditions might not survive anesthesia, or it might worsen their other health issues. That may leave long-term antibiotics as the only feasible treatment. And even that is not without risk — some of the more potent antibiotics that are effective for gum disease can worsen the kidney disease. Sometimes, depending on a pet’s underlying conditions, the vet is forced to choose the lesser of two evils to treat the patient.
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It really depends on the I will do this situation Your Worth Is Not Measured By The Sizes Of Your Waist T-Shirt . The ONLY way to know for sure will be DNA testing mom, the potential dads & ALL the kittens. Female cats can breed with different sires and produce kittens with all of them. Each kitten could potentially have a different sire, if she was out with enough males. That being said, if there are only a couple of possibilities, some genetics can tell you some things. The possibilities are truly endless, so you’d have to give me some potential crossings to know what can and can’t happen. For example, if the female is sex-lined orange (ginger, phaeomelanistic) and she has a tortie girl, that kitten’s father has to be black based (eumelanistic – that isn’t to say he’s a solid black cat, he could be a black tabby, or even one of the other colors that eumelanistic cats come in, chocolate, blue, cinnamon, etc.). If a girl kitten is ginger/phaeo melanistic, her father has to also be ginger. Certain patterns are the same. If the mom is pointed, and there are non-pointed kittens, then the dad is not pointed. The same goes for any of the recessive genes, blue, chocolate, cinnamon, sepia, classic tabby pattern, solid, etc.
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