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Now in my country Trae Young trae way shirt . the but I will buy this shirt and I will love this sort of Satanists we have are not adorable, benevolent types found in Europe and America who just claim to practice this religion for shock value or as a protest against mainstream religious thinking. The ones in our country drink human blood, have sexual abuse rituals of children and animals, and even commit murders to use body parts for potions or to eat human flesh. It’s not uncommon for a child walking home from school to be bludgeoned to death then be found dead with missing body parts; our prisons have a number of practitioners who committed these sorts of crimes while professing satanism. Westerners would say these are just mentally ill people, but none have been proved incompetent to stand trial; some are politicians, teachers, and other respectable professionals. Africans know why I’m talking about. My high school best friend had, among other things, seen chopped up human legs in her rural village hidden under a bed since her grandmother was involved in the practices. So I knew I was hearing something quite concerning. She appeared withdrawn and sad all the time, my son said she’d cry for no reason. I felt the signs indicated some type of abuse was going on and both her and her mother might have been victims judging from their oddly withdrawn behaviors and blank stares. I told the teacher what my son had said. Within days of being confronted, the parents of this little girl had removed her from the school and we never saw her again. If she survived this childhood, she’d be 22. I often think back with guilt at my decision to tell my son to avoid her, but then again he was 5 years old and I was a young mother protecting my son. I truly wish I’d been more nosy and done more since the school simply didn’t bother to do anything to help her, confronting the parents without the presence of authorities to investigate if the child was safe. Only 1 incident comes to mind. It was during the summer and mother dropped me off at my aunt’s house cause she was going somewhere for the day. My aunt had no kids of her own but her husband had weekend custody of his 2 kids. Up till this point only adults( mother, her drunk friends and Mr. had ever seen me nude. Objecting didn’t help, so we stripped. Then we were all marched over to the garden hose and hosed off. Before we could go into the house till our clothes had been washed and dried.
Trae Young trae way shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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