Save Bees Rescue Animals Recycle Plant Clean Care Plastict Earth Day Shirt .besteestores As a result, people have been “infected” with the Furthermore, I will do this sin nature, rebelling against and disobeying God as a matter of course. There is always a consequence to sinful choices and destruction in some form and death (eternal destruction for those who have not received Jesus Christ and are born again) is the result. However, it doesn’t need to be this way for anyone. One of the blessings for those who receive Jesus Christ is that they are given a new nature and are freed from slavery or bondage to sin and the Holy Spirit gives them the power to make good (righteous) decisions, instead. As they continue to follow Jesus and obey Him in the things He shows them to do or not to do, they become more and more like Jesus (transformed,) not only overcoming the sin in their lives but also that the sin becomes more and more unattractive and ugly to them. They experience more of the abundant life Jesus dies, in part, to give them, which includes His joy and peace. This is not a just a doctrinal statement (or belief) from a church or denomination but the real life experience of not only myself but many other people who have received and walk with Jesus Christ, Who is not dead but very much alive and at work in the world and in the lives of people. God does not want anyone to go to Hell but that everyone receive His Son (to be their Lord and Savior) instead and spend eternity in Paradise with Him. This is why, in part, Jesus came to give His life for us on the Cross. He didn’t make them bad in the first place. In my religion, satan used to respect god, until adam was made. God told him to bow but he refused because adam was made of clay but he believed because he was made of fire he was better. Satan tricked adam into disobeying god by eating the apple which im sure your aware of that story and he was sent to earth. Satan told allah that he could make everyone bad on earth if he wanted and allah told him he couldnt. So when your praying and you hear that voice sayign your tired or hungry thats him trying to stop you from praising god. If you think about it its all a test to see what you will do.
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Classic Women’sLong SleevedUnisex SweatshirtUnisex HoodieClassic Men’sSave Bees Rescue Animals Recycle Plant Clean Care Plastict Earth Day Shirt .besteestores That only works if you’re a Calvinist, believing that God created some people for salvation, others for condemnation. Under Calvinism, free will doesn’t exist — no matter whether you’re predestined for salvation or condemnation, there is nothing that you can do to change it. In most peoples’ minds, that’s inherently unjust, which is why most people aren’t Calvinists. I am an Arminian, a follower of Jacobus Arminius, who argued against the Furthermore, I will do this Calvinists, promoting the role of free will. (Technically, as a Catholic, I am supposed to be neither Calvinist or Arminian, the Catholic position kind of being a middle road between the two, but as a former Methodist, I’m still drawn to Arminianism.) So, in my view, God doesn’t create anyone to be bad, they just make choices that are the result of their succumbing to evil. Everyone should be able to tell right from wrong, good from evil, and if they make the wrong choice, that’s on them, not on God. When Jesus comes back the second time, He will resurrect the righteous and 1,000 years later He will resurrect the unrighteous. At that time, the unrighteous will be judged and thrown into the lake of fire where they will be completely consumed and totally annihilated. All that remains is God, the holy angels, and the righteous people. God grants free will to every person. God created this earth as a great experiment on love. The Bible tells us that God is love and that to love, means that you must be willing to give of yourself to someone else. This explains the Trinity. But the question God asks is, “Can I create free will human beings who will choose to love me?” The answer is yes and those who choose to do that will spend eternity with Him. However, by creating free will humans, there is a risk that they will choose not to love him. The ultimate fate for these people is complete annihilation. Some say that these people will be tortured for all eternity, but this goes completely against the character and loving nature of our God. And just in case, whether good or evil, everything is his will because without evil we won’t know how to be good. And just because it is his will doesn’t mean he did anything. Think of us like Machines at a Factory. He placed in the algorithms for our random personalities, set how our bodies are made, and added reproduction systems to allow us to make more of ourselves, then he just sits back and watches everything unfold. You Can See More Product:
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