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If your cat bites you Mud Slut I’ll do anything to get dirty shirt . say ouch or ow as aggressively as you can. Let him know that hurt. Then move away from the ,I will get this cat. Give him a bit of a time out. You are showing him that it hurt when he bit and you don’t like it and refuse to pay if he bites. After staying away from him for about a minute, let him come close again. You can go back to petting him or playing with him. If he bites again, repeat the steps. Stay away from him for a little longer. Wait until he is not sitting there staring at you. He is trying to work this out in his mind. He is figuring out that biting stops pleasant activities. He will learn to control his biting. Make sure to never encourage him to chase your fingers, hands or toes. This will also encourage biting. It sends mixed signals. He will not be able to figure out not to bite. Never spank or hit your cat, it is mean and it will tend to make him more aggressive. Give him toys that he can bite. Your cat is a hunter and biting is part of that. It is how they kill prey. A larger stuffed toy that he can grab with his paws and bite and kick is good. A toy about six to eight inches will do. He should be able to wrap his forearms around the toy. He can take out all his aggression on the toy. Have patience with your cat. Keep loving him.
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She needs to be able to be with you, wherever you are Mud Slut I’ll do anything to get dirty shirt . Would you treat a child the I will get this same way? But what to do? I suggest an entranceway, essentially a small room with a door on each side, so you enter one side, close the door, exit through the other door. Thus, if she sneaks out, the other door is still closed. You could build it inside, as well as outside. Or fencing in a porch for the same effect. The whole idea, of course, is to have two doors/gates between her and outside, many solutions. So it wouldn’t matter if someone got careless or forgetful.I gave human medicine not to my cat but to my dog. Our dog had allergies, mostly brought on by old age, and the vet wanted to give him Benadryl for the incessant itching. The Benadryl from the vet cost about a dollar a pill. I asked if I could give him human Benadryl (a 30 count box cost around $3 back then) and he said yes and gave me the dosage. When you can get the same medicine for a pet for a tenth of the cost when using human medicine why wouldn’t you take advantage of it.
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