Love Son My Guadian Angel shirt . heavenshirt My dad played rugby in college. The majority of the Furthermore, I will do this guys on the team were of Polynesian descent. One weekend they’re on a road trip up in Montana or something and they have to spend the night. Being poor cheap college aged guys they just loaded up a dozen or so people in one room and slept on the floor or wherever they could find space. Middle of the night he had one of his waking dreams that he is fighting for his life. He starts screaming and running around wildly, tripping over bodies. He grabs one of the motel room chairs and slams it against the wall. At this point the light comes on and there are 10 giant Polynesian guys staring wide eyed at the crazy white guy with blood running down his arms still holding the remains of a wooden chair. When me dad was a teenager he was in the middle of a book about the holocaust and dreamed that he was being loaded up into one of the boxcars to be taken to a camp.
Love Son My Guadian Angel shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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