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So by reformulating Grammy Claus Santa Hat Matching Family Christmas Pajama shirt . Heaven Shirt existing relativity and quantum mechanics axioms in an Euler graph based geometric structure that does permit scale invariance, the Furthermore, I will do this problematic notion of singularity is replaced by the mathematically tractable result of congruency which poses no computational difficulties at all, and quantum mechanics and general relativity calculations play out together in a quite marvelous harmony within this structure. Besides the other two answers, general relativity does not have the uncertainty principle built in. Insofar as the uncertainty principle is thought to be fundamental to the universe, general relativity is necessarily incomplete. By imitating general relativity and considering quantum field theory in curved space-time, gives only a first approximation to quantum gravity and does not solve the renormalization problem. It has been suggested that a more complete description of quantum gravity would involve quantizing space-time itself. My theory is that quantum mechanics lends itself better to university research grants. Looking at stars all day and scribbling on paper doesn’t get you those large dollars that building a supercollider does. So just the economics of the research favors quantum mechanics over general relativity. This is why most of us think that debate’s aren’t going to be conclusive and thus are a waste of time. But if you think of debate as a method of obtaining a solution-we see that it gives rise to new constructive approaches to the problem and sometimes results in unique out of the box solutions. The personal story I can attach to it is the time I had a serious debate with my friends and professors on the Ladder paradox. This debate ended unresolved(as we had to break for lunch, and not everyone was agreeing to a common solution). But the fog in our understanding of special relativity started clearing, the amount I learnt through the debate was phenomenal and it was great to hear the other arguments. Together the problem was broken down piece by piece and our understanding became much clearer! With this clear understanding, the next day we resolved it, and hurray everyone was happy. You never lose in a debate, you always take back knowledge and experience. You are breaking the problem down into bite-size chunks you want to tackle- This makes the problem far easy to handle and it enables us to locate where the disagreement is. Most important of all remember that you are working together with everyone. You are NOT fighting for who is right and who is wrong.
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