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Reverse sneezing is quite Printable Minimalist line Abstract nude body line shirt . common and sometimes can be scary for the But I will love this human! I have had a couple dogs that did this quite a bit! 1 of them would sometimes do it so hard her eyes would roll(talk about terrified) she had trachea issues! When your dog does this hold her/him or get down to their level! Talk to them with a calm soothing voice and gently massage the throat! If that does not help place your fingers gently over the nostrils for a couple sec. which will cause the dog to open its mouth and swallow to regulate it’s breathing! A reverse sneeze is similar to a human hyperventilating! It’s all about regulating the breathing process! Majority of the time this is nothing to worry about, but if it becomes a frequent issue or becomes difficult to stop, have your dog seen by a vet to rule out an allergy or other issues as it is often caused by throat irritation! Good Luck! Here is some info on a Reverse Sneeze!
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