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I’m sorry that you lost your dog Gitarre mama wie eine normale mama nur lauter vintage shirt . especially after having it with you for such a long time. It is clear that your dog was more to you than ‘just a pet’. Other people may not understand the I will love this depth of your grief, but their ignorance is not your concern. You have the right — and some might say, the duty — to grieve this loss in the depth, and for as long, as you feel the agony of the loss. Death of a loved one is never easy, but know this: people grieve in different ways and for different lengths of time. The only wrong way to grieve is when you DEMAND that others feel as you do. However, it is perfectly right to DEMAND that they respect your grief. You will also learn — at least, for me it was this way when I was grieving the loss of my second wife who died of cancer after raising 6 kids together during of 39 years of a very happy marriage — that the ‘pain/compulsion’ of sadness will ‘come and go’ in waves., until it gradually fades to that which does not overwhelm you. Also, don’t be afraid of forgetting your dog — you never will — but the memories of it will become gentler and more valuable to you every day. Crying every night – even after a year – is not wrong, nor is it unreasonable. An example of what would be unreasonable would be something like permanently disfiguring yourself as an expression of your grief — such as plucking out an eyeball or cutting off a finger — though, having a tattoo created on you of your pet’s name, or the like, is something that is often done to both express the grief and to memorialize your loved one. (Just remember, a tattoo is — pretty much — permanent.)
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